Lawn, Tree, & Shrub Health

Early Season Renovation

Early Season Renovation

 Is your lawn mostly weeds, bare spots, and undesirable grasses? Has it been severely damaged by insects, diseases, construction, or some other cause? Then our Early Season Renovation program is for you.

This is a season-long program of rejuvenation and care. Here are the steps:

  1. Elimination of weeds. We use RoundUp, or similar product, to kill off the entire area

  2. Total renovation. 1-2 weeks after, we use our core aerator to loosen and penetrate the soil and use our slice seeding machine to sew high quality seed into the lawn. We then apply a starter fertilizer with a specialty pre-emergent weed control product which will allow the new seed to germinate with reduced competition from weeds. We’ll also apply lime, if need has been determined by our soil pH test. If the resulting surface is very bare, we’ll also apply a mulch product to help keep seed moist.

  3. Follow up. About 3-4 weeks after seeding, we’ll revisit and check the progress of germination. (Desirable turfgrasses take 7-21 days to germinate). At that time, we’ll feed it again and spot seed where we feel it’s needed. We may also apply fungus control to protect it from damaging fungal disease that often attack new seedlings (this is weather dependent).

  4. Summer Service. About 5-6 weeks later, we’ll fertilize and treat for any issues from insects and diseases. If the new grass is mature enough, we’ll spray any weeds that have made with through the pre-emergent control.

  5. Fall Service. Another 5-6 weeks later, we’ll fertilize, spray weeds, and do any further touch-up seeding required.

IMPORTANT! What do you need to do?

  • Water 2-3 times daily. Typically, you’ll want to water at around 10am, 1pm, and possibly 4pm (only in the hottest weather). It’s important to keep it moist during the day. Daily watering is CRITICAL to the success of the seed job. No consistent water = no grass

  • Keep foot traffic to a minimum for the season. It takes a new lawn about a season to mature, so please be gentle on it. It’s OK to mow the lawn, once it reaches mowing height (won’t happen for about 6-8 weeks, if all goes well), but be careful not to corner too sharply. You may walk on the lawn occasionally but keep everyone off as much as possible. Don’t let the dogs out on it.

  • Don’t apply any type of fertilizer, weed, insect, or disease control on it. That’s our job. Your lawn already has millions of weed seeds in it. The constant watering may cause them to germinate and survive, even though we applied a pre-emergent product. Please just keep on watering and mowing as instructed.